Wholesale Reels

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Round Badge Holder

Item#: HR216158

Round Badge Holder

Fishing Zinger with Nippers

Item#: HR215511

Fishing Zinger with Nippers

Heavy Duty Reel

Item#: HR215577

Heavy Duty Reel

Lanyards ,Size 3/4"W x 35"L

Item#: HR216142

Lanyards ,Size 3/4"W x 35"L

Badge Reel (Black)

Item#: HR215244

Badge Reel (Black)

Cord Rewind Reel - White

Item#: HR215421

Cord Rewind Reel - White

Slim Movie Reel Tin-Empty

Item#: HR216102

Slim Movie Reel Tin-Empty

Large face Blue Badge Reel

Item#: HR215468

Large face Blue Badge Reel